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I'm not sure what you're supposed to do in the second phase. Just survive and dodge?

Shoot the breasts.


I beat it a few times. The game is a blast! I wonder if there are any secrets. I found the game to be challenging, but not exessively difficult or frustrating.

The characters are adorable and sexy! Though admittedly I might have been secretly hoping for futa goat at the end with cherry...

Personal biases aside, I absolutely loved it and hope to see more!

i think you kinda screwed up here cause everytime i open the game it takes me to the file showing Microsoft. idk if i have to re install the game again.


Was a little disappointed with the lack of demon lady content, but good stuff anyway, and fun little game as well. Looking for more in the future.



You added checkpoints and then I immediately stopped needing them lol though I definitely came close a couple times. Must be a psychological thing, I'm terrible with stress.

Game is rock solid, though the fact I gave up before even hitting the halfway mark does tell me that adding checkpoints was the right decision. (If anything, they might be a bit more frequent than need be, even, though I doubt anyone here for the horny will complain. I was expecting just one for each scene so I didn't have to go through them all again, but every phase certainly works too!)

Art is solid, HHHNGH bunny is a cutie of the highest order, and I would not mind seeing more of her in the future.


Loved the game. I think the part with both the ground fire and the imps is the hardest part, a health+1 refill would go a long way there.

I was really hoping for some futanari though.. Bunny x goat demon woulda been soooo hot.

Using just the mouse to control really trivializes that part.



I just wanted to ask: Is there a bonus for completing the game without continuing?

Also, about people saying the boss needs a health bar: I don't fully agree, as the phases don't really last long enough individually, but one idea is have the bosses expression change with the "damage" she's taken. It could be as simple as her cheeks getting more and more red the closer she is to the end.


i beat it with 0 retries and got no bonus.

maybe someone else want to try beating it with 0 hits.

They'd need to be a masochist.

(1 edit) (+2)

I had hoped it would also be some demon x bunny stuff, rather than just the imps. 

Maybe in a revised edition in the future.

(1 edit) (+2)(-9)

I don't think ive ever been more disappointed in a lewd game then this, came to see the bunny get it on with the demon goat and just got imps. One saving grace is the game is short so didn't waste too much of my time.
(Hah someone gave me a -1)


couldnt even see the scrote sweat


if i find you and i will ill dip you in an acid bath you cunt i swear to god if the only thing getting between me and my coom is your stupid fucking rabbit game ill tear off my own dick with gorilla grip force


i still believe this

(1 edit)

Wonderful game! Just wish nearer towards the end you could start shooting her vag until she cooms 'n such ^^


Excellent little game; great animation, gameplay and music. Only feedback I can give is that the game requires some precise maneuvering and the player character controls are sort of imprecise. That said, looking forward to what comes next. ;D

just curious is that all there is? just blast the bra off show the boobs and just die?


After you blast the bra off, keep shooting the left and right breast. eventually she will cover up and it continues.

the only thing i get is when her bra is off is that she goes on the next stage and lets out those yellowish orbs that i cant shoot or dodge i just end up dying right when that happens im just wondering if there is any more

There is more actually, after she starts firing the orbs you have to keep shooting the boobies and dodging the orbs. The boss will eventually cover up with her hands (and that hand stops shooting orbs) but it can take awhile. Just keep shooting!

is in need of an enemy health bar, its impossible to tell how close you are to the next stage


aw i was hoping there would be one more level after you shoot off her loin cloth where you have to tickle her newly revealed weak point

Yeah, that would be great, with her face slowly twisting in pleasure as you wear her down.


That was simply excellent. I would love to play (and see) more of it!


Tough but I persevered! Nice work Xxylas!

As K1rb0 says, a boss health bar would be appreciate.

And also... The rabbit is so cute~ <3

(1 edit) (+1)

I Feel Like The Game Would Be Easier If You Added Some Kinda Health Bar for the boss, Or A Heart Item To Heal Yourself.


If you're looking to add more a 5th stage with the goddess in the reduced size moving around the top could be an interesting dynamic.

Also no anal scene.

Excellent ! good work :)


A short, but very well rounded game. Wonderful clean pixel art and animations! The story, action, sound and visuals are exceptionally well fitting.

Will there be any possibility of a downloadable version in the future?

Yeah, having a download option without having to poke around the website's code to search for it would be nice.

(2 edits) (+1)

this was actually pretty fun to play. third phase was kind of annoying but once you get the hang of the imps, wasnt too hard tbh. gj

(1 edit) (+1)(-12)

The game's pretty good, but I definitely think adding the checkpoints was the wrong way to fix the game's difficulty, as it makes the mid-game sex scenes less meaningful, since the healing isn't so special anymore.

What you should've done to fix the difficulty is to reduce the hitbox to a small-ish square on the character, as it's awfully annoying to play a bullethell game where your hitbox is a tall rectangle, especially with all the horizontal jumping we have to do.

EDIT: I guess I've got a little suggestion, too: change it so the imps change color or expression or something after they bounce off the ground, it's annoying to have to gamble whether or not it's safe to stand next to the spot they're heading towards.


i disagree, since restarting at all and sitting through the scenes to unlock new scenes is very frustrating, and time consumption like that makes me even worse over time since i become unable to keep focused.  a smaller hitbox might have helped, but i find i didn't have trouble with hitboxes, my trouble was running thin on patience as i learn the new patterns and do sections over and over and over.


solid with checkpoints


Eyyy now with the update its a solid 10/10 for me! The game will still kick your ass, but with the checkpoints the experience becomes a lot less frustrating


neat game. Kind of frustrating once imps and fire are both on the field at the same time though.

What a strangely awesome lil game ;3 Any chance I could bother you for controller support or an Android version? :3

(1 edit) (+5)

good game but the third phase is a bit of a pain with the amount of imps on screen you dont get enough time to clear them out before the demon lady forces you to ram into the imps hopeing they miss you whilst trying to get enough space to dodge her fast projectiles.

my bad gameing skills aside love the sprite work~~

The trick there is to shoot as many imps as you can before she starts shooting the fire. The fireballs have very small hitboxes, smaller than the sprites, so you don't have to move very far to dodge each one.


This seems well made but honestly I'm way too bad at this shit to not find the lack of checkpoints to be super infuriating.


Got all 4 scenes. Really well polished for such a nice experience. I only died around 3 times :)


Fantastic work! I (and i guess a lot of people who aren't all that good at bullet hell stuff) would have appreciated checkpoints between the cutscenes honestly :P

(2 edits) (+2)

Absolutely love the aesthetic. controls are really responsive and honestly quite fun.  However it becomes very tedious redoing phases again and again, even a single checkpoint would  be appreciated. 

Edit: Thank you for adding the checkpoints


this game would be better with checkpoint


There are checkpoints.


if there are checkpoints, why do i have to start over entirely when i die.  getting my health back in between phases is NOT what i would consider a checkpoint.  It is frustrating to have to start over and over if i make a mistake in what should be a short game with a little bit of erotic content and sit through what ive seen over and over as i learn each phase little by little.  its a great game, i just think it would be a better experience if you could continue from checkpoint after a game over


The "checkpoints" are after you complete each phase. Basically every time you damage the boss enough for it to stop attacking and start talking, is a checkpoint.

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

i want to point out my original comment was before the update that added checkpoints, there are timestamps on itch for a reason, thanks.

meo juego


really hard, but really cute!


Really cute! Love the little bunny character, the game over screen is adorable too!

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